Sunday, July 13, 2014

League makes me emotional...

So I go to play ranked.. keep in mind I'm new to ranked.. and every single time I play ranked, my team hates me. Literally. I try and help out and I do whatever my team tells me, but they say that I'm the worst Thresh they have ever seen and I main this guy. It's like, why do I even play this game? How the heck did I get Silver IV, if I'm the worst Thresh ever? Why is everyone in ranked toxic? I cry half the time I play ranked, my team bad mouths me so bad. I am not the best league player, I make mistakes, I'm not saying I'm even good, but why does everyone have to be so mean to me.. am I really that terrible... I think I'm done with this blog and done with league this makes me so upset. I know I said I was going to post something else, but honestly, no one cares about this blog even. I don't know why I try.. ~sigh- I'm just going to stop playing ranked until I get a team together of people that aren't total assholes, but are still serious about the game and want to help me out. I'm all up for learning about how to be better. I'm going to take a deep breath and let this go and move on. Games are made to be fun, not be be stressed over. Yes we all want to win, but learning is part of the process and I know I should try more champions anyways. Welp, I'm going to quit solo queue if nothing else, ranked is on hold for me. That's all for now guys. ~here's a picture or two before I sigh off

1 comment:

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