Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thresh's hooks are so important

I'm sure a lot of people already know this, but I can not stress this enough. If you miss five hooks in a row, you aren't doing so well, and should probably be more careful. There is a move where thresh can pull himself to the enemy as well, I've only seen another player do this once, but it can be really helpful. Please try this move in a custom game first. This way you are 100% sure you know what you're doing. Loads of people under level 30 want to rush to get the experience to level up, but you want to win games as well. Knowing what you're doing should be above getting experience.
Also, I wanted to say I got my ranking this week finally. Only Silver IV, but at least I didn't hit bronze. My only issue is that I need to learn more champions, other than Thresh. He's so fun to play, but good advice for ranked games is know at least three champions in every role. Also, having runes and masteries never hurts. Have enough pages that you can do multiple roles if need be. Jumping into ranked is scary. Now, if I could play Thresh every game, that would be amazing, but sadly things just don't work out that way. Currently my jungling is pathetic. 0/3/0 Shaco getting executed in ranked twice, just doesn't cut it apparently. Looks like it's back to normal games for me so that I can practice more champions.
Now, back to Thresh's hooks, you can see how it's done in his spotlight video. Honestly, I've never done it successfully, but I've never practiced it in customs games either.. SO, I'm on my way to do that now. Though I play him repeatedly, I still think I need more practice with him. I know though, if I don't land enough hooks early on, my adc wouldn't get fed nearly as fast and late game will be though. Practice, practice, practice. That's how you get better after all.

Now, pictures. :D